
Center Cardio Laval

How do you differentiate heart palpitations from arrhythmia? 🤨

symptom heart palpitation

Ah, heart palpitations and arrhythmia! 

Something to make your heart beat faster... or not! 

If you're like me and wondering whether you're experiencing a scene from Grey's Anatomy or just a little passing palpitation, then you've come to the right place! 🎥

In this article, we will discover how to differentiate between these two cardiac phenomena and give you the keys to better understand your heart rhythm. 

So, are you ready to put a little rhythm into your life? Let's get started! 🏁


Heart palpitations: what are they?

Heart palpitations are characterized by a sensation of rapid or irregular beating in the chest. 🫀

This can happen when you are at rest or during physical activity.

In addition, they can last from a few seconds to several hours. ⌚

Heart palpitations are often felt as jumping, shaking or jerking in the chest. 

They can sometimes be accompanied by pain, dizziness or shortness of breath. 

Although heart palpitations can be frightening, they are generally benign and usually go away on their own. 

However, if you experience frequent or severe heart palpitations, it is important to consult a physician to determine the underlying cause.

What are the symptoms of heart palpitations?

Symptoms of heart palpitations can vary from person to person, but here are some common signs to watch out for:


❤️ A feeling of rapid or irregular beating in the chest

❤️ Jumping, shaking or jerking in the chest

❤️ Pain or pressure in the chest

❤️ Dizziness or lightheadedness

❤️ Shortness of breath or shortness of breath

❤️ Excessive sweating

❤️ Nausea or vomiting

❤️ Unusual fatigue or weakness


If you are experiencing these symptoms on a regular basis, it is important to see a doctor to determine the underlying cause and assess your overall heart health.


How to treat heart palpitations?

Treatment for heart palpitations will depend on the underlying cause. 

Some common treatment options include:


✔️ Avoiding triggers: If the cause of heart palpitations is linked to factors such as caffeine or alcohol consumption, avoiding these substances can help reduce symptoms.

✔️ Medications: Medications such as beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers can help regulate heart rhythm and prevent palpitations.

✔️ Lifestyle changes: Regular exercise, stress management and adequate sleep can help prevent episodes of heart palpitations.

✔️ Treating the underlying condition: If heart palpitations are caused by a condition such as anemia or hyperthyroidism, treating this condition can help prevent symptoms.


If your heart palpitations are accompanied by symptoms such as chest pain or dizziness, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.


symptom heart palpitation

Arrhythmia: What is it?

Cardiac arrhythmia is a condition characterized by irregular, fast or slow heartbeats. 🫀

Normally, the heart beats constantly and in a coordinated fashion to pump blood throughout the body. 

However, in the case of arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, too slow or irregularly. 

Types of arrhythmia can vary in frequency and severity, from benign to life-threatening. 


What are the symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia?

The symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia may vary depending on the type of arrhythmia and its severity, but here are some common signs to watch out for:


❤️ Fast or slow heartbeats

❤️ Palpitations, which can be felt as jumping, shaking or jerking in the chest

❤️ Dizziness or fainting

❤️ Fatigue or weakness

❤️ Breathlessness or shortness of breath

❤️ Chest pain or pressure

❤️ Nausea or vomiting

❤️ Anxiety or confusion


If you are experiencing these symptoms regularly, it is important to see a doctor to determine the underlying cause and assess your overall heart health. 🧑‍⚕️


How is arrhythmia treated?

Treatment of arrhythmia will depend on the type and severity of the condition. 

Some common treatment options include:


✔️ Medication: Antiarrhythmic drugs can help regulate heartbeat and prevent arrhythmia episodes. Other medications may be prescribed to treat underlying conditions that may cause arrhythmia.

✔️ Cardioversion: This procedure uses electric shocks to restore a normal heart rhythm.

✔️ Catheter ablation: This procedure involves inserting a catheter into the groin and navigating it to the heart to destroy the tissue responsible for the arrhythmia.

✔️ Implantable devices: Devices such as pacemakers or implantable defibrillators can help regulate heart rhythm and prevent arrhythmia episodes.

✔️ Lifestyle changes: Avoiding triggers such as caffeine, alcohol or tobacco, as well as regular exercise and stress management, can also help prevent arrhythmia episodes.


It's essential to work closely with a physician to determine the best treatment approach for your specific arrhythmia.


symptom heart palpitation

What are the main differences between heart palpitations and arrhythmia?

Heart palpitations and cardiac arrhythmia can be confused due to similar symptoms, such as rapid or irregular heartbeat and palpitations. 

However, here are the main differences between the two conditions:


✔️ The heart palpitations are generally benign and can be caused by factors such as stress, caffeine, alcohol or dehydration, while arrhythmia is an underlying heart condition that can be more serious.

✔️ Heart palpitations may be temporary and disappear on their own, while arrhythmia may require medical treatment to avoid potentially serious complications.

✔️ Heart palpitations are often experienced as jumping or shaking in the chest, while arrhythmia can manifest as rapid or slow heartbeats, palpitations, dizziness or shortness of breath.


What are the similarities between heart palpitations and arrhythmia?

Heart palpitations and cardiac arrhythmia have certain similarities, including:


✔️ Both conditions involve irregular or abnormal heartbeats, which can cause a sensation of palpitations or jumping in the chest.

✔️ Both conditions can be triggered by factors such as stress, caffeine or alcohol consumption, or dehydration.

✔️ Both conditions can be accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue or shortness of breath.


It's important to note that some people can suffer from both heart palpitations and cardiac arrhythmia, which can make it harder to distinguish between the two conditions. 


At the Laval Cardiovascular Evaluation Center...

At Cardio Laval, we understand how difficult it can be to distinguish between heart palpitations and cardiac arrhythmia. 😥

That's why we offer a full range of diagnostic and treatment services to help our patients understand and manage their cardiac symptoms. 

Our team of highly qualified cardiologists uses the latest technologies and most advanced approaches to diagnose and treat heart disease, including palpitations and arrhythmia. 🧑‍⚕️

We work closely with our patients to develop personalized treatment plans that meet their unique needs and allow them to live healthy, active lives. 

Please contact us to find out more about our heart health services. ❤️


🏬 : Laval 

🏬 : Mascouche

🏬 : Vaudreuil - Dorion







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